Welcome to our store for Hogs Of War The Miniatures Game.
Please note- The shipping fees you see are estimates that will be adjusted prior to charging your cards. This is in an effort to get you the best rates possible.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Hogs Shipping Update #4: Current Progress, How Many Boats?
almost 3 years ago
– Fri, Apr 08, 2022 at 11:41:33 PM
Good morning, afternoon and evening Hog fans!
Current Hogs Progress:
Each boat is currently on the ocean - with 4-6 weeks of transit time remaining before docking at their destination port. (Transit time is less for the Asia and the Rest Of The World boat).
Once docked the containers will be unloaded and the goods (Hogs) will be checked and granted clearance to proceed to their lorry / truck for transit to the fulfilment centre.
The lorry / truck will then take 24-72 hours to reach the fulfilment centre, unload and then the final stage of fulfilment will begin- which consists of boxing up the game and sending it directly to your door.
Shipping addresses can still be changed by emailing me at [email protected] - you have 4-6 weeks to change this address if needed before I won't be able to action any emergency changes.
How many boats?!
Just want to clarify a point on the last Update (totally my fault through poor wording).
Hogs is split across 4 boats-
1 boat is bringing Hogs to the UK.
1 boat is bringing Hogs to the USA.
1 boat is bringing Hogs to the EU.
1 boat is bringing Hogs to Asia and the Rest Of The World.
This means that any disruption to the unloading of one territory's copies of Hogs will not effect the unloading of another territory.
I will aim to provide an Update in 2 weeks with the status of the Asian / Rest Of The World Orders. Unfortunately there won't be much exciting content for UK, EU and US Backers as the Hogs games will still be safely packaged up on their pallets on the high seas! If anything changes, you will be the first to know!
Much love,
James (and Paul!)
Hogs Shipping Update #3 Post-Chinese New Year Fulfilment Plan
almost 3 years ago
– Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 03:13:58 PM
Good morning, afternoon and evening Backers!
We've got a post Chinese New Year Update for you regarding shipping. This Update will differ depending on what region your copy of Hogs is being sent to.
North America, UK and Europe:
Hogs is currently awaiting pickup (Imminent). The games will then be placed on a ship bound for the U.S (Roughly 6 weeks), unloaded from the port (Unknown*) and then sent via mail internally (7-14 days).
* This part of the process is a bit of a nightmare at the moment, we've been advised that if we are lucky it can take days but is more likely to last weeks. Areas heavily effected include the West Coast of the US, the UK and various hubs in Europe- but we are working closely with our freight company to keep abreast of any changes.
Asia + Rest Of The World:
VFI Asia will be used to deliver copies to these regions.
Copies bound for China and Hong Kong will be sent immediately post pick-up.
Other territories in this category must first have their games arrive at the Hub (1-3 weeks). Estimated delivery is 2-14 Days once the games have reached their Hub.
I'll be posting another Kickstarter Update once the games have been picked up from the manufacturer, another Update once copies are at their respective hubs and another Update once hub-copies have begun their hub-to-you fulfilment.
It's been a long journey but it's going to be well worth it! Please stay safe and well in these troubled times.
Much love,
James (and Paul!)
Hogs Shipping Update #2 48 Hours Left For Shipping Addresses
about 3 years ago
– Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 02:21:32 PM
Good morning, afternoon and evening Hog backers!
I've just fired off the 48 hour Shipping Address Final Notice.
After this 48 hour period, fulfilment agencies will be receiving the address on your BackerKit account.
Please make sure it's correct.
In emergency situations after this 48 hour period I might be able to change it for you but shipping costs will be incurred if there is not enough notice to get the change through.
Any emergency changes past the 48 hour period can be emailed to [email protected] .
Kind regards,
James (and Paul!)
Hogs Shipping Update
about 3 years ago
– Thu, Jan 06, 2022 at 12:30:46 PM
Happy New Year Hogs fans! Paul and I hope you've had a great holiday wherever you are and are ready for 2022 and all the Hoggy goodness it'll bring!
Shipping Update:
Hogs Of War The Miniatures Game will be shipping to fulfilment centres after the Chinese New Year (February 1st-14th) and then to you straight after! (To reiterate the last update, no extra shipping will be charged to cover your delivery.)
Paul and I expect global shipping demand to settle down into the New Year and already have our freight booked and ready to go.
What do I need to know?
Shipping Addresses will be locked in this month, you will be given a final notice email 48 hours before they lock and I'll be triggering this 48 hour process next Friday.
Please check / set your address to where you will be living in March / April, so if you are moving home/ military base/ long holiday etc update your address via your BackerKit account.
New Upgraded Box Art:
By now you probably know what Paul and myself (James) are like! We had some time as the final components were being produced so we decided to upgrade some components.
Have a look below- Paul has done a fantastic job on the Team Lard expansion box- mocking it up to resemble the original (PS1) Hogs Of War title we played and loved!
(Paul being a perfectionist has even created a "war crate" effect for the Deluxe Components- it's looking pretty sharp!)
I'll run another Update out when I send out the final 48 hours notice too- any problems email me at [email protected] .
Much love,
James (and Paul!)
Hogs Production enters the final stages! + Shipping Costs will not rise for Backers
about 3 years ago
– Sat, Nov 27, 2021 at 12:28:10 AM
Good morning, afternoon and evening Backers!
Just a short Update for you today!
Paul and I received a heads up from China that Hogs Of War is just finishing up production. Some of the final bits and pieces like the Deluxe Coin being cast are coming to an end and the boxes are being sorted into their pallets, getting ready for fulfilment.
It has been a long journey to get here- with Covid, new Chinese environmental laws and the shipping crisis all taking their toll on the project but we are finally looking towards fulfilment. Because of the Christmas crunch, getting on a ship before Christmas is very unlikely- and we've heard some absolute nightmare scenarios effecting the unloading of cargo in ports across the USA / UK.
Hogs Of War will likely be looking to ship post Christmas, Paul and I have made the decision not to pass any of the £20-30,000 shortfall cost onto Backers and will be keeping shipping at the same price you were charged before shippingprices exploded.
More photos will follow of the individual components over the next few weeks.